Cat Bigney

Charlie DeTar

survival camping trips
First Year at BOSS: 2014
Current Position: Instructor, Board Member
Hometown: Salt Lake City, Utah
Currently Resides In: Bozeman, Montana

I came to BOSS because:

I have always been obsessed by the desert, wilderness, and ancient people of Utah. BOSS links me directly to all three.

I teach at BOSS because:

I want to find a way to build bridges between sustainable old ways of living and modern lifestyles.

About Charlie DeTar:

Charlie has a PhD in Media Technology and a MA in Electro-acoustic Music. He helps to operate a paper-based blogging platform for people in prison, and worked on a documentation project for prehistoric rock art in Southern Utah. Charlie runs ultramarathons (he prefers 100 mile races) and is an enthusiastic student of plant identification and usage.

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