Physical and Mental Challenges at BOSS
BOSS courses are not easy. They are an outdoor survival challenge designed to challenge you physically and mentally. To do so, we will take you beyond what you think you are capable of. We believe that challenges like this – of the “I don’t know if I can do this” variety – are important for us to grow as people. Together with your instructors, you will go beyond your perceived limits. We hear again and again that these outdoor survival challenges are extremely tough, and equally worthwhile.
“I look back and I think ‘how could a two week trip change things this much?’”
– B. Winkle, 14-day field course alumni
How we will challenge you
From our very earliest days as an organization, we have earned the reputation of being the toughest survival school out there, but BOSS is not a “tough love” military style survival school. Our instructors are in it with you. You will hike long distances, often off-trail in the desert heat, and with minimal gear and provisions. You will learn survival and wilderness skills, then rely on them. You will learn about your endurance, your strength, and most importantly your mental toughness and survival mindset.
After roughing it with the BOSS, you’ll be ready for just about anything.”
– Men’s Fitness Magazine
“I believe BOSS has had the greatest effect on me – more than anything else I’ve done. I’ve been to China, Bolivia, Europe, etc., and yet none of these compare to what BOSS’s 28-Day Field Course has done for me. It’s been almost three years since I was in Boulder, Utah, and yet I think about it every day. ”
– J. Dart, 28-day field course alumni