Step Into the Wilderness. Unlock Your True Potential.

The BOSS 28 Day Field Expedition is our signature survival course. It remains essentially unchanged since we introduced it in 1968. The BOSS Field Expedition is unique -- travel through Southern Utah’s stunning mountains, mesas, and canyons with just the essentials like a blanket, poncho, and a knife. No tents, no sleeping bags, no stoves or backpacks, no lights, and definitely no watches, GPS, cellphones, or toilet paper. BOSS Field Expeditions go beyond skill acquisition; they are about survival in its purest form, where the only things you can rely on are nature and your knowledge. In a group of up to 12 students, led by experienced instructors, you will learn fundamental wilderness survival skills, experience the unknown, test your limits, and practice essential survival behavior that will change the way you view the world around you.

The Challenge

Our Field Expeditions immerse you in the wilderness, where every step presents a new challenge. You’ll be pushed physically and mentally as you trek through some of the most beautiful and rugged landscapes in the country.

From our very earliest days as an organization, we have earned the reputation of being the one of the most demanding survival school experiences, but BOSS is not a “tough love” military style survival school. Our instructors are in it with you. You will hike long and difficult miles in the desert heat, and with minimal gear and provisions. You will learn survival and wilderness skills, then rely on them. You will learn about your endurance, your strength, your mental toughness and survival mindset, and -– perhaps most importantly – yourself.


  • No prior camping or outdoor experience is required.
  • All applicants must complete a Health and Physical Exam packet with a physician, physician’s assistant, or nurse practitioner and obtain their signed approval before enrollment.
  • A 1.5-mile, 12-15 minute timed run.
  • Participants must be 18 years or older.
  • A high level of fitness preparation is strongly recommended.

Upcoming Courses


July 06 - July 19

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June 01 - June 28

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Start with no food, then on 1,500 daily calorie rations. On longer courses, process a large animal for extra resources.


Hike up to 8–10 miles most days through deserts and high sub-alpine forests. Navigate using land features and maps, with compass skills on longer courses.


Learn to stay warm without modern shelter. Use poncho shelters and wool blankets, and explore emergency and debris shelters on longer courses.

Self Development

Build resilience, self-reliance, leadership, and teamwork under stress. Discover there's more in you than you know.

28-Day Field Expedition

What to expect

The ultimate challenge, this 28-day expedition immerses you in traditional survival living. You’ll travel long distances across Southern Utah's wilderness, mastering advanced skills such as stone tool construction and hide tanning. This course pushes your endurance and adaptability to their limits.

See Upcoming Courses

Skills Taught

Everything taught in the 7 and 14 Day Field Expeditions. Every course is different, and on a 28 day you may also have the opportunity to practice:

Natural Cordage

Learn how to turn fibers into natural cordage for practical use.

Advanced Navigation Techniques & Compass Use

Learn declination, bearings, UTM, and different coordinate systems used on topographical maps.

Bone Tools

Turn found bones or bones from animal processing into various useful tools.

Stone Blades

Make single-strike stone blades and be introduced to more advanced flint knapping concepts where time and resources permit.

Additional Cooking Techniques

Additional traditional food preparation like mano and metate, hominy, hot rock boiling, or other techniques. 

Primitive Traps

Construct and use small game traps, including small animal processing.

Fishing Techniques

Learn various ways to supplement your rations with traditional fishing methods.

Natural Shelter Building

Study, build, and sleep in natural debris shelters where time and resources permit.

Hide Preparation & Tanning

Learn to process and tan animal hides for long-term use.

14-Day Field Expedition

What to expect

A two-week journey deep into the remote backcountry, this expedition allows for deeper engagement with wilderness survival. You’ll learn advanced skills such as compass navigation and large animal processing, all while hiking and living with minimal resources, and extended time with your group and in your solo experience.

See Upcoming Courses

Skills Taught

Everything taught in the 7 Day Field Expedition, and

Large Animal Processing

Learn how to respectfully process a large animal for food and tools.

Backcountry Navigation

Learn to navigate with a map and compass, including concepts like declinations and bearings where appropriate.

Basic Plant Identification

Identify useful plants in the wilderness.

Knife Maintenance

Learn how to keep your knife sharp and safe for long stints in the wilderness.

7-Day Field Expedition

What to expect

This intense expedition introduces you to core wilderness survival techniques while traversing the beautiful and rugged landscapes of the Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument. Catered to people who may not have the time to devote two or four weeks to an expedition, this course is designed to be no less challenging or rewarding. You will learn essential skills, hike long distances, and adapt to the wilderness with minimal gear.

See Upcoming Courses

Skills Taught

Desert Ecology

Experience desert ecosystems and appreciate how to safely navigate arid environments.

Survival Attitude & Behavior

Develop the resilience needed to handle extreme conditions and circumstances with minimal gear.

Campsite Selection & Shelter Building

Learn to choose optimal locations and construct effective shelters.

Fire Construction

Learn to build and manage a fire in the wilderness safely and effectively.

Basic Navigation

Use natural landmarks and topographical maps to navigate terrain.

Water Location & Purification

Learn methods for finding and purifying water.

Wilderness Hygiene

Establish healthy hygiene habits in remote settings, and learn to use natural materials instead of toilet paper. 

Knife Use & Safety

Safely use knives for multiple survival tasks.