Meet Your Guides
At BOSS, we ask a lot of our survival instructors, and they ask a lot of their students. Every BOSS instructor—and every member of our Board of Directors—is a BOSS alumnus, having experienced the same transformative journey they now guide others through.
Our outstanding staff is what makes BOSS exceptional. It’s not uncommon for a field team to bring over 25 years of combined BOSS field experience, featuring survival experts who have traveled and taught all over the world. All instructors at BOSS are Wilderness First Responder and CPR certified. Time and time again, they provide students with instruction and wilderness experiences that live up to the BOSS reputation.
Want To Work With Us At BOSS?
Want to become a survival instructor? Our world-class instructors are all trained in-house, and many of them make their careers at BOSS.
Upon successful completion of a 14 or 28-day Field Course, each student is evaluated by the survival instructors as a potential candidate for the BOSS apprentice program. Only the candidates who meet our high standards are invited to apply to work toward BOSS survival instructor certification.