Rhys Fontaine

First Year at BOSS: 2018

Current Position: Head Instructor

Hometown: Kingsport, Tennessee

Currenty Resides In: Kingsport, Tennessee

I came to BOSS because:

I’ve had a passion for primitive skills since I was a child. I had a strong pull to the wilderness and felt most complete when out there. When I was 13 years old a family friend was talking about his experience at BOSS and I knew right away that when I turned 18 I too wanted to have that same experience.

I work at BOSS because:

I teach at BOSS because my 14 day Field Course as a student was extremely meaningful. The experience was difficult yet fulfilling and I connected to a part of myself that I had not experienced on such a profound level before, and I like helping facilitate that same profound experience for others.

About Rhys Fontaine

Nature has always been an important aspect for my personal development and has been a constant source of healing and reconnection when chaos erupts in my life. I believe that many of the problems we face in our lives and world come from a disconnect with nature and the subsequent disconnect of that part of ourselves. My mission in life is to be in tune with that side of my nature so I can be a better part of our society.