Randy Champagne

First Year at BOSS: 2008

Current Position: Head Instructor

Hometown: Riverview, Michigan

Currenty Resides In: Lopez island, Washington

I came to BOSS because:

I came to boss because I was actively seeking out an experience that would connect me deeply to the natural world and to the part of myself that I believe is natural. I was/am very interested in traditional technology and sought to continue my education in a hands-on environment.

I work at BOSS because:

I recognize the value of human beings, Being Human. We exist in a very curated and fast-paced world and opportunities to push yourself out of your daily comfort zones are few and far between. To be a facilitator to somebody else’s personal growth and education is truly an honor. It helps that I get to work amongst some of the most incredible people I have ever met and in one of the world’s most beautiful places.

About Randy Champagne

Originally from Michigan, Randy found his way to the deserts of Utah after taking a survival course that sparked his love for the wild. He has been at the Boulder Outdoor Survival School since 2008 where he’s been teaching and practicing ancestral and modern survival skills. His passion is in traditional hunting and gathering techniques. He was a participant on the Alone show testing his skills solo on Vancouver island and in Mongolia.