Perry Tancredi

First Year at BOSS: 2011

Current Position: Advanced Instructor

Hometown: Shrewsbury, Massachusetts

Currenty Resides In: Santa Barbara, California

I came to BOSS because:

I was looking for a vacation where email, phone calls, and text messages couldn’t reach me, and I wanted to get out of my comfort zone. A friend had told me about BOSS six or seven years earlier, and I felt like it would fit the bill.

I work at BOSS because:

Being with and helping students through their own experiences at BOSS is incredibly rewarding for me. The courses can be challenging, powerful, rewarding, and fun, and each student has a unique experience. We often get back from students as much as we give. I also just like being outside. A typical morning in the field might include waking up before the sun, rousing students who haven’t eaten in days for who knows what, watching the sunrise and seeing some wildlife, then hiking out, all before most people have started their day. It’s hard to give that up.

About Perry Tancredi

Perry has lived and worked abroad and traveled extensively, including to the United Kingdom, Saudi Arabia, Slovakia, Jordan, Poland, India, Japan, Israel, and many, many other countries. He has a Bachelor’s degree in Biology with a focus on animal behavior and environmental ecology, but spent his professional life working with Internet technologies and still consults for IT and software companies. Perry likes building and making things, and given the choice would rather build than buy the things he needs. He once built a treehouse with a 7- and 10-year-old and taught them how to use hand and power tools. When their parents wouldn’t let one of them use a steak knife, he replied “but Perry lets us use knives all the time!”