Michael Tarallo
First Year at BOSS: 2010
Current Position: Master Instructor, Operations Director
Hometown: Fairfax, Virginia
Currenty Resides In: Flagstaff, Arizona
I came to BOSS because:
My mom made me do it. She thought I needed to journey into the wilderness to figure out my path in life. She was right. Like most students who come out to BOSS, I got way more out of the course than I was expecting. The most unexpected discovery I made on my journey was a healthy and fulfilling new life and career as an outdoor educator.
I work at BOSS because:
I want to share the challenges, gifts, and beauty of the natural world with everyone. I hope to help people see that the wild is not such a wild place after all and that they are capable of way more than they know or could ever dream. Wilderness survival and primitive skills are just tools we teach to help people be comfortable in the bush, but the less tangible elements of the experience, the personal growth, the resiliency, and the strength to handle adversity are what makes our courses so unique. Teaching at BOSS is my way of being a steward for our planet and a positive influence on my fellow humans.
About Michael Tarallo
Michael studied Adventure Education at Prescott College. He enjoys climbing, fitness, camping, dabbling in music, hunting, and snowy winters at home with his dogs and partner. He brings 15 years of experience in customer service and management to his role at BOSS.