Cat Bigney
First Year at BOSS: 2000
Current Position: Master Instructor, Press Liaison
Hometown: Wasatch Mountains of Utah
Currenty Resides In: Portland, Oregon
I came to BOSS because:
I came to BOSS because I wanted to reconnect with the natural world and myself. I desired to deepen my knowledge of primitive skills and outdoor survival, encounter a true physical challenge and experience freedom from the things most people consider to be “necessities”.
I work at BOSS because:
I teach at BOSS for many reasons. Over a decade ago, I began to network at the best place I knew for a true outdoor education. I believe in the exchange of education through sharing knowledge with those interested in this field and with a greater community outside of those already interested in primitive skills and outdoor survival. I love the exchange I get to have with my students. I love to see the change in people in both skill-set and mindset after spending time “roughing it” in, what I consider to be, one of the most beautiful places on earth. It’s inspiring
About Cat Bigney
Cat has a Bachelor’s degree in Anthropology and Geology. She is passionate about wilderness medicine and ways to improvise and adapt to adequately care for a patient in remote settings. Cat’s love of contact sports has motivated her as an athlete to compete in Water Polo, Football and currently Rugby. Cat often hosts or appears in survival and anthropology TV programming around the world.