Greg Nunn
First Year at BOSS: 2008
Current Position: Specialist Instructor
Hometown: A cattle ranch outside of Moab, Utah
Currenty Resides In: Castle Valley, Utah
I came to BOSS because:
I came to BOSS to teach Flintknapping, I couldn’t say no because I love the folks that work there, and the atmosphere is like home.
I work at BOSS because:
I love teaching because I love the thrill of sharing, and watching the excitement of students while learning. It isn’t knowledge if we don’t share it.
About Greg Nunn
Greg loves to hunt, using bow and arrow, guns or whatever it takes to fill the freezer. Right now, his freezer is filled with Buffalo, Deer, Elk, and Pronghorn. Greg likes almost all kinds of food. His grandfather used to say “You can’t poison a pig!” Favorites, however, are Chocolate Éclairs, Buffalo meat with extra fat, and Chile Rellenos. He is a part time gold miner, has a keen interest in Geology, and a deep understanding of how the earth we walk on was formed and deformed. For many years, Greg was a member of the American Penstemon Society. He is a wildflower freak, and very partial to Penstemons. All of the colors of the universe are represented in the Penstemon. He has spent three summers in Denmark and Sweden researching Neolithic Flint Daggers from Scandinavia.